Sports Premium

Alt Academy - Sports Premium - Academic Year 2021/2022

Our Aim

At Alt Academy we provide all of our children with quality and varied physical education lessons with access to excellent sports provision throughout the school year. We aim to help our children develop a healthy lifestyle and reach their full potential, as well as, improve their attainment and achievement in physical education and specific sports.

Allocation of Funding for 2021/2022:- £18,590 (+ £1975 carried over from 2020-2021)

Enhancement of Provision

  • MCFC - Sports coach in school to teach sports and multi-skills, working with teachers across Early Years, KS1 and KS2. £5095
  • Sports Development Gymnastics and dance £6605
  • 1x midday Football Coach £780
  • Hathershaw Cluster programme £1300
  • Transport to events and competitions £1785
  • Staff attendance at competitions outside of school hours £1100
  • After school curricular clubs £1200
  • Replacing and enhancing PE equipment £950
  • Medals and trophies to celebrate children’s achievements £250
  • Release time for CPD opportunities for P.E. Co-ordinator to develop knowledge, skills and ensure progression across school. £1500


  • The curriculum is varied and the children are presented with a range of physical exercise and games, which in turn allows us to offer our children many opportunities to develop skills and excel in physical exercise. E.g. Gymnastics, Dance, Football, Multi Skills, Swimming, and the Daily Mile.
  • The MCFC coach works alongside teachers in order to deliver a curriculum presented with a wide range of physical exercise and games, which in turn allows us to offer our children many opportunities to develop skills and excel in physical exercise. E.g. Dance club, football, dodgeball, basketball, athletics, swimming, football, tag rugby and cricket.
  • Sports Development specialist coach supports the teaching of dance and gymnastics across school, enhancing our provision and improving staff confidence. Our children are provided with a broad and balanced curriculum which covers all the national curriculum statements.
  • Our children excel in sports competitions, in particular those delivered by our MCFC coach who ensures the children receive an outstanding standard of teaching in PE and this has been evident during lesson observations.
  • The MCFC coach works with teachers to develop staff confidence, knowledge and skills in delivering a range of sports.
  • Those children that display further potential or are identified as gifted and talented in different sports are filtered into school competitions, alongside other local schools and directed to clubs within the local area where they can be further developed.
  • Partnership with MCFC has allowed us to promote gifted and talented children into the MCFC academy and provide exciting opportunities such as attending live football matches at MCFC and playing at the Academy against various teams across Manchester.
  • Partnership with MCFC has allowed us to offer healthy cooking classes to families to promote healthy lifestyles and wellbeing.
  • Teachers feel more confident to deliver P.E sessions as well as assessment of the children's skills.
  • CPD opportunities have allowed the P.E. co-ordinator to work with the whole school staff through model lessons for various parts of the P.E. curriculum, especially gymnastics and dance.
  • Links with other local primary schools and secondary schools are very strong and we are involved in interschool competitions and sporting events throughout the year. The number of competitions we are involved in doubled during the academic year. E.g. football tournaments for both boys and girls, tag rugby, athletics, dance competitions, cricket, volleyball and handball.
  • Our inclusive extra-curricular sports clubs cater to all key stages and allow all children to develop sports skills, team work, confidence and social skills.
  • Our sports provision supports our Harmony Pledge
    • Being Healthy
    • Being a Performer
    • Being an Expert Learner
  • Sports Leaders developing their knowledge of how to lead and support sporting events throughout the year, helping the younger children and representing our school within the community.


  • We have a broad and balanced curriculum and more children are participation in a wider range of sports.
  • Our teams attending events and competitions show great potential and are successful.
  • Children see the importance of being active daily and living a healthy lifestyle.
  • Staff are more confident and have a stronger knowledge of the PE curriculum, planning and delivering inclusive lessons and how to develop and challenge the children appropriately to fulfil their potential.
  • Children are inspired and can speak about their experiences of watching live sport and attending professional stadiums.
  • Parents are more engaged and knowledgeable about cooking healthy recipes for their families.
  • Assessments are clearer and progression through school is evident.
  • Children can recognise and celebrate achievements of themselves and others.
  • Every child has the opportunity to be involved in physical activity.
  • Children are engaged in the running of sports within the school.


  • As a result of specialist provision staff expertise and confidence enables quality PE provision.
  • The curriculum and provision is organised to ensure pupils are becoming healthy and active and developing a love of PE, school sports and physical activity .

Swimming Data Y6 Cohort

89% of children can use a range of strokes effectively.

89% of children and have passed Grade 1.

100% of children can perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations.


  • Ensure attendance of all children increases and engage the least active children/groups in school through sport and physical activity.
  • Decrease further the number of behavioural incidents recorded in school and promote sportsmanship, fair play, self-discipline and team work through PE lessons, Sports clubs and Competitions.

For more information please contact the academy. 

Alt Lane, Oldham, Lancashire OL8 2EL

Mrs Cooper, Mrs Bulmer or Mrs Bone: Main Contact

0161 260 0622

Harmony Trust

Alderson Street, Oldham, Lancashire, OL9 6AQ

CEO: Antony Hughes

Chair of Trustees: Andrew McCully

0161 260 0482 (ext 15)