Pupil Roles and Responsibilities
Alt Academy Children's Leadership team
Alt Academy is committed to ensuring that children have a voice. Our Children's leadership team is peer elected and is comprised of a boy and girl from each class in Years 2-6.
The role of the CLT is to ensure that all children are involved in changes and improvements made within the academy. Each elected member of the CLT has the responsibility to present the views of their class and to share the aims of our Academy. CLT members are role models within the school community and represent the Academy in various situations.
Young Interpreters Team
Mrs Branwood is working with 10 children in KS2 to train them to become Young interpreters
The scheme offers training for learners aged 5-16 to develop the skills needed to help new arrivals with English as an Additional Language.
Trained Young Interpreters help newly-arrived pupils feel welcome and settled in their new school environment. The scheme also develops the confidence, communication and leadership skills of the Young Interpreters. For schools it’s a way of valuing multilingualism whilst acknowledging and celebrating the skills of their learners.
Young Interpreters can be speakers of English only or speakers of other languages. Together they use a range of inventive ideas modelled during their training to communicate with their new classmates