Amber Class 2024 - 2025
Miss Robinson
Amber Class 2024 – 2025
Welcome to Amber Class (mixed nursery and reception class)
Miss Robinson
Unit leader – Miss Shepherd
- Ruby Class – Miss Bryon & Miss Gledhill
- Amber Class - Miss Robinson & Miss Gledhill
- Diamond Class (2-year-olds) – Miss Sexton & Miss Smith
- Firestone – Miss Ferguson, Mrs Wardle & Miss Ellis
Reading Champions
If your child is in nursery, they will change their lending library book weekly. Please continue to promote the love of reading and share stories together at home.
If your child is in Reception, they will bring home 2 books. 1 book will support their phonics learning and 1 book will develop their story telling and recognition of tricky and unfamiliar words. Please read with them as often as you can. If your child reads at least 3 times a week, they will earn a ‘Reading Champion’ sticker and will work towards a termly reward.
PE and Games
On P.E. days, children should attend school in their PE kit
- Ruby Class – Thursday with Miss Sexton
- Amber Class – Thursday with Miss Sexton
- Firestone Class – Thursdays with Shaun MCFC
Our Learning
This year, our topics will be:
- A1: I am special I am me
- A2: People who help us (Including a performance of The Nativity)
- SP1: Transport
- SP2: Traditional tales
- S1: Animals (Blackpool Zoo trip)
- S2: The Garden
Please keep checking our class page for further updates about our learning.
Please check and contribute to your child’s learning via the school app Tapestry.