Respect Charter
Respect Charter and Behaviour system
At Alt Academy, our school ethos and behaviour system is based around our whole school Respect Charter.
We focus on 4 respects-
S-respect for self
O-respect for others
L-respect for learning
E-respect for our environment.
Each class has devised their own respect charter for these 4 areas.
Each class has a Respect rocket which we use alongisde our behaviour policy. We always use the language of choice and consequence, to reinforce with pupils that their actions have consequences.
Children are rewarded for good attendance, work and behaviour. We use praise, stickers, sharing work and achievements with others, certificates, star of the day and week, Principal award, attendance awards and prizes, special assemblies and Enrichment Time
Reminders, verbal warnings, loss of Enrichment Time, removal of privileges, including break and lunchtime play, and parents are informed.