Topaz Class 2024 - 2025
Mrs Branwood
Welcome to Year 3 & Year 4
Our Teachers
This year, the staff in LKS2 are:
- Citrine class - Miss Harrison
- Emerald Class - Miss Morgan
- Topaz - Mrs Branwood
Our teachers are supported in class by Miss Brown & Mrs Brierley.
At home you can help your child by…
Encouraging them to read every day and talking to them about what they have read; helping them to learn multiplication tables; making sure they have completed their homework rubric (link below) to a good standard; learn to spell the words on the Year 3 and 4 list; talk to your children about what they have been learning in school.
iPads and Online Learning
Year 3 is the year your child will be given their very own 1:1 iPad. For most of Autumn 1, your child's iPad will remain in school until all their induction lessons and paperwork has been completed. Once your child begins taking their iPad home, they should bring their iPad to school with them each day, ready to use with 100% battery and their charger in their bag. In addition, all children have a login to several websites which are used for completing school work and homework. To keep children safe online, they have been taught to keep their usernames and passwords safe from others. The websites used in Year 3 & 4 are below and can be accessed by clicking on the logos.
Please encourage your child to use their ipad at home every day to access: myON, Accelerated Reader, TT Rockstars, Purple Mash and to complete their homework rubrics. iPads must be brought to school, fully charged, every single day.
Home Learning should take place every week…
In LKS2, all children will attend swimming lessons at Royton Lesiure Centre in line with the National Curriculum.
Topaz class will be attending swimming classes first. This will take place during school hours, every Thursday.
Please ensure your child comes to school with their full swimming kit when it is required. More information will be given before your child begins their lessons.
PE and Games
Children should come to school in their PE kits on Thursdays and Fridsays
White polo shirt, black jogging bottoms or leggings, blue school jumper and trainers
Reading Champions
Your child will be bringing 2 reading books home in their bag every night. One will be an Oxford Reading Tree book and the other will be an Accelerated Reader. Please read with your child as often as you can. If your child reads at least 3 times a week, they will earn a ‘Reading Champion’ sticker each week and will work towards a termly reward.
In addition to reading books, your child will bring home a homework book. In here spelling and Maths homework for the week will be shared on a Friday with the class and needs to be returned the following Wednesday morning.
Homework may also be on Purple Mash, Sumdog and TT Rockstars.
At home you can help your child by…
- Encouraging them to read every day and talking to them about what they have read. Record in their reading record when you have listened to them read. They will get a sticker for 3 comments and for 3 stickers they will get a prize.
- Making sure they complete their homework to a good standard.
- Ask if you are not sure
Our Learning
This year, our topics will be:
- The Romans
- The Anglo Saxons & The Vikings
- Our Violent Earth
- The Mayans
- Amazing Rainforests (Chester Zoo trip)
Please keep checking our page for further updates about our learning!
All children must have a book bag. This is essential for carrying reading books and iPads to and from school.
We welcome and value your views and opinions. Please call school to speak to a member of the team at any time.