Family Support Services
The Family Support Team works with Alt parents to make sure that their children are ready for school and raring to go. We work with families who need support to attend school regularly, or who have outside agencies such as Early Help or Children’s Services working with them, as well as signposting families to support such as TOG Mind or Mahdlo.
The Family Support Team organises courses for our parents to attend such as Triple P Parenting Groups and The Nurture Programme as well as running a bi-weekly coffee morning which alternates with a walking group.
Our Family Support team is available to assist families with many common queries and concerns. One of our main aims is to support parents in increasing their confidence, life skills and language proficiency.
Based in the Inclusion and Family Support Room at Alt Academy, the team have a meeting room which also houses our uniform bank. We have a large supply of school uniform, as well as a range of non-uniform clothing for those in need. We also have our Food Bank and we have a large range of store-cupboard items, which can be distributed to families. This is in addition to our trolley parked up at the gates stocked with perishable items.
What we do
As support workers, we can assess needs and provide direct support, this could be:
- providing help in reading and translating (where possible) official letters and forms.
- liaising with benefit agencies and assisting with applications.
- liaising with the housing department and landlords.
- supporting families with access to health care by assisting with registrations for doctors/dentists.
- signposting families to immigration support.
- signposting to foodbanks.
- assisting families to apply for free school meals.
We also provide more holistic support, by providing advice and support for those needing help with:
- Financial issues.
- Parenting support.
- Mental health issues.
- Domestic abuse.
We are also able to link parents to activities and groups in the community and identify English classes, college courses and supporting with voluntary work that could help gain employment.
Of course, every family is unique, and if we cannot meet the need directly, we will identify a service that can and make appropriate referrals.
If you are stuck with what to do, or just need a bit of support, make an appointment through the school office to meet with one of our team.