Our Curriculum
The Harmony Model Curriculum
As part of a multi-academy trust, we benefit from the shared expertise, experiences and collaboration of our colleagues across the organisation. 'The Harmony Model Curriculum' has been written, regularly evaluated, reviewed and adapted by our experienced practitioners over recent years. It provides an evidence-based approach, structure and guidance which academies implement whilst considering the individual context of their setting. Teachers and subject leaders are supported with high-quality CPD to ensure they have the skills and knowledge they need to deliver an exciting and meaningful curriculum for the children.
For more details on The Harmony Model Curriculum, visit our Harmony Trust website here.
The Alt Inspire Curriculum
At Alt, we personalise The Harmony Model Curriculum with our INSPIRE ethos. We aim to provide an excellent education for all our children and every activity a child takes part in in our academy is part of this curriculum. The total learning experience is designed to maximise achievement within the National Curriculum and develop skills, attitudes and attainment that helps children to achieve their full potential in the widest sense. We work on two-yearly curriculum cycles to ensure full curriculum coverage for mixed-age classes."
Our Philosophy:
We believe in every child. We want every child to be the best that they can be. At Alt, learning is about the education of the whole child – both Academic and Character. Our vision is to enable our pupils to become respectful, confident, enthusiastic and resilient learners. We want our children to know about the world, to accept each other’s differences, to be able to make informed choices and to stand up for what they feel is right. We aim to create provision that enables children and staff alike to Wonder, Learn, Challenge and Share. As members of the Harmony Trust, we benefit from being part of wider professional learning communities with access to research, expertise and opportunities beyond the capacity of our own individual academy.
What is special about our Curriculum at Alt Academy? (Intent)
Our main focus is achieving high standards in English and Maths. We want all our children to develop a basic skills set and aim for every child to be secure in all the Year 6 expectations by the end of Key Stage 2.
In addition to the core knowledge, skills and understanding detailed in the National Curriculum, our approach aims to develop the key skills of: Communication; Learning to Learn: Reasoning & Creative Thinking; Working with Others; and Using Technology. These key skills will enable our children to become effective citizens, experts in their own learning and prepared for the challenges and opportunities ahead.
What strategies do we use to ensure our teaching and learning meets the needs of all our learners? (Implementation)
We have developed an approach which reflects the diversity of our school community, the content of the National Curriculum and the future needs of our learners. The knowledge, skills and concepts of each subject are sequenced developmentally across each year group with opportunities for consolidation and extension in the any mixed aged classes.
How are we assessing our pupils’ learning? (Impact)
We know that review of learning is important throughout the learning process. Reviewing the knowledge, concepts and skills for learning from previous lessons is important to: build long term memory; enable extensive and available background knowledge; enable interconnections in learning; free up working memory to be able to solve new problems and learn new things; and to develop fluency and expertise.
Whole School Long Term Overview (By Year Group)