Consultation Proposal to change the age range of Alt Academy
CONSULTATION DOCUMENT - Proposal to change the age range of Alt Academy, Alt Lane, Oldham, OL8 62EL
Alt Academy is proposing to make an application to the Education Funding Agency to extend its age range from 3 - 11 years to 2 - 11 years from September 2024.
As part of the consultation process and as part of the legal requirements, we are writing to parents and careers of Alt Academy, the Local Authority, other local primary schools and nurseries to seek feedback regarding the proposed changes. The consultation process will run from Wednesday 22nd May to 12pm on Wednesday 12th June. The Harmony Trust will then consider comments received during the consultation period.
What is being proposed?
Alt Academy currently has a pupil admission number of 45 and capacity for 315 pupils plus up to 24 Nursery pupils. We currently admit children from the term after their third birthday as part of our Nursery Provision. Under the proposals, this will change and will allow us to admit children from the term after their second birthday as part of the Nursery Provision, for those entitled to the early years funding to families of 2-year-olds. For children who are admitted to Reception this will remain unchanged and will continue to be admitted following the admissions policy.
Why are we making these changed?
The proposal is part of a The Harmony Trust wide strategy to develop nursery provision across our primary schools and maximise the educational benefits in offering local families funded access to early years provision in a school setting supporting our future pupils access to a provision. The proposal also supports the recent Government announcement to extend the early years funded entitlement to families of all 2-year-olds from April 2024.
The benefits of this are strong links between families, the community and the school and improved continuity of educational provision resulting in better outcomes for the children.
It is envisaged that there would be no impact on the academy, the children, the environment or the local community. It is also envisaged that due to the Local Authority population projection and analysis of provision requirements, there would be no impact to other similar local providers and the placement of children would remain a parental preference.
What do I need to do?
If you have any questions or would like to comment on the proposal then please the contact the Principal using the following methods
- In writing to Ms K Jordon, Principal, Alt Academy, Alt Lane, Oldham, OL8 62EL
- or by email to
Following the consultation period, the responses will be analysed carefully before any decisions are made by The Harmony Trust, regarding the proposals.