KS1 - Years 1 & 2

Welcome to KS1 at Alt Academy. 


Meet the team! 

Opal Class – Miss Jackson

Jade Class – Miss Voak

Pearl Class – Mrs Woolham   

All classes are supported by Mrs Khan and Miss Tabernor


KS1 is a busy, bustling unit which is filled with learning, challenge and friendship. Children are supported to achieve to the very best of their ability.  

We love learning about our rights and think carefully about the Rights and Respect Charter.  

RESPECT – Self, Others, Learning, Environment 


Children will be set regular learning on Purple Mash. Please help your child to access this at home. If you have any problems with accessing the remote learning, just pop in and speak to your child’s teacher – we can help you to navigate it. The half-termly rubrics will provide lots of activity ideas to explore at home too – don’t forget to share the learning!  

We very much encourage parents and carers to play an active role in supporting learning and we love to hear about the learning that is taking place at home. Miss Jordon has a special board in the KS1 entrance hall to celebrate home learning and special achievements. Don’t forget to send in photographs and pieces of work to share on the celebration board.  

Parents’ evening will take place in November and we can’t wait to share your child’s learning with you. If you would like to speak to your child’s teacher before this date, you can speak to them at the classroom door each morning or afternoon, or arrange to speak in confidence at a mutually convenient time. Miss Jordon is always available before and after school if you have any questions, comments or feedback.  

Please click the links below to discover what each class is learning this half term.

Alt Lane, Oldham, Lancashire OL8 2EL

Mrs Cooper, Mrs Bulmer or Mrs Bone: Main Contact

0161 260 0622


Harmony Trust

Alderson Street, Oldham, Lancashire, OL9 6AQ

CEO: Anthony Hughes

Chair of Governing Body: Andrew McCully

0161 260 0482 (ext 15)
